Thursday, March 26, 2009

The 1000 Things Challenge

Wow. This could be big. I mean, 1000 is a big number, so it only makes sense that purging 1,000 unnecessary things from our home and our lives, could have a really big impact.

It all started with a little bloghopping. You know, read a favorite blog, follow a link, then another link, and then you land in yet another Ravelry group. Enter Live Simply and the "The 1000 Challenge" thread. I was inspired by Prairie Girl's post, followed her link, and the fire was lit- it's time to purge! Well, it's way past time...

The challenge, in a nutshell- find 1,000 things to get rid of, and get rid of them!

1,000 things is a LOT of things, but in this thing-saturated society of ours, it may be just a drop in our rather large proverbial buckets...

My home is cluttered. Our closets are cluttered. The kitchen cupboards are cluttered. We have more than we need, that's for certain. Too much stuff gets in the way, it makes cleaning complicated, and I don't know about you, but I'm a busy mom, make cleaning complicated and it just might not get done... and that's just not pretty, know what I mean?

I've been a fan of Flylady for a few years now. At first, I was really excited. I started decluttering, shining my sink (of course), doing hot spot fire drills, and generally keeping on top of things and working out some good routines. It didn't last. Things rarely do with me. I keep hopping back up on the bandwagon, but I tend to bounce around too much and fall off. It would take way more than 21 days to create a new habit in this girl. That's okay, I'm pretty sure it will take more than 21 days for me to get rid of 1,000 items from my home. Pretty sure.
I've started this blog (and invited my good friend, Traci, to join in the fun) as a way to 'journal' my progress. I'll be posting actual lists of real items that I am honestly getting rid of. As per the original challenge, I'll only be counting things that are given to someone else- not trash. Real trash, junk that no one would want, that really just needs to be thrown away, will get taken care of during my attempt at daily 27 fling boogies.
I'll also be posting some thoughts along the way- thoughts on decluttering, thoughts on simplicity, thoughts on our society's epidemic of affluenza (and, perhaps thoughts about how current economic conditions are affecting said epidemic...)
Join us, if you feel the bug, as we go through this process. 'They' always say "there's safety in numbers", right?!
We'll get a button up soon that you can use to link back here, if you're so inclined. Thanks!


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